



Digital Track Me LLC was founded in 2009 and ever since has been a staple in missing children business from coast to coast. We ask many private citizens what is the best way to save children lives? I think we found the answer in the best economic way, because there is no price worth more tan the safety of our children. Of coarse, all new concepts require a bit of an edge; we’ve got that, too. And it’s not just our merchandise that is a unique blend of class and style its the way we present it to the world. GPS technology is nothing new, but the package we present to our customers is new to our area and yours.

 Where we stand: We are accountable for our own performance. We are accountable for the success of our stakeholders. We must be able willing to subordinate our personal agenda for the good of the company.
  Our Purpose: .
Our company will carry different styles of GPS devices for concealment, but we are just focusing on the most popular and practical stylish product. The basic function of this product is to allow the parent the best option in the initial 48hrs to track their child in case there was abduction. The Missing Children Department and Police Department endorse this product due to the fact a missing person will not be considered missing by State law until 48 hrs passes. This is the status qua that is already in place and so far it has been in effective.  We want to empower the parents with a new tool and upgrade them to technology that is already being used in the world. The parent of missing kids wish they had one of these devices on their kid the night they were taken.

Code of conduct: Our code of conduct is important to us. It mirrors our values and helps steer the development and implementation of our history and company policies. While we can’t anticipate every situation that may occur, please understand our expectation of how we should conduct ourselves in the workplace guides us to be the best we can be for the client.

Goal: The goal is very simple! We want every child from day care, pre-school to 10 grade to wear our product during and after the school year in every school in the United States.

Customer Service: The ways we act with our customers are entitled to excellent customer service. All customers are to be treated with respect and courtesy. We are committed to the truthful and accurate communication of information about our merchandise. Advertising and other promotional materials will be honest and factual, not misleading or deceptive.

